Rich Ramos

Rich Ramos

Richard Ramos has been working in and around government for nearly twenty five years as Congressional and State Legislature staff, campaign consultant and lobbyist.  Most recently, he was proud to serve on the Trump Campaign on operations in New York City and Long Island, as well as supervising recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin for the campaign.  He splits his time between, New York, Washington and Florida.

He started with Congressman Ray McGrath (R-5NY) and most recently inside government with Governor Charlie Crist in senior leadership positions in the administration and during the Governors tenure as Florida’s Attorney General.  He served as Policy Director and Deputy Director of External Affairs to the Attorney General, Richard also worked with the Legislative Affairs Director crafting strategies to pass the legislative agenda. With the election of Governor Crist, he was appointed to the Governor’s Transition Team and was appointed Executive Director of the State’s Council on Efficient Government, in that position he had responsibility to oversee all outsourced contracts for the State of Florida.

Rich has represented numerous clients before state agencies including the Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Children and Families, Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Department of Health, Enterprise Florida and Department of Economic Opportunity.  He also enjoys a close relationship with leadership in both the Executive and Legislative branch.

Richard has also worked on an innumerable number of local, state and federal campaigns and initiatives.  Rich was proud to serve as the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Broward County, Florida from 1996 until the Presidential Recount of 2000. He served as an alternate delegate to the 2000 Republican Convention.

He served as the Director of Governmental and Community Affairs for Charter Schools USA, one of the country’s largest charter school operators. Developing strategies for school funding as they related to capital outlay and identifying sources for funding increases for charter schools industry.

He has lectured at a number of colleges and universities on politics, the legislative process, lobbying and the history of U.S. foreign policy. And his writings have been published on topics ranging from the future of space investment, US engagement in Ukraine and most recently a series of articles on the need for comprehensive behavioral health policy.